Executive Board Meeting
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Lower Merion Academy
Second Floor Meeting Room

I. PLACE/DATE Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 7:30 PM at the Lower Merion Academy

Jerry Francis
Ted Goldsborough
Denise Francis
Phil Eidelson
Ross Mitchell
S. Hamill Horne
Andy Amsterdam
Jack Hagner
Joan Roberts
Lynne Kauffman
Alison Graham
Irene McNeil - Guest Speaker

Bobbie McElroy
Bruce Reed

Jack Maguire

III. PURPOSE General Quarterly Meeting

Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Introduction of new members: Lynne Kauffman & Andy Amsterdam


Item Subject Description
We reviewed minutes from the last meeting and from the Annual Meeting. TG noted that "alumni" was misspelled on page two. Both sets of minutes were accepted. TG made the motion.

JF introduced our guest speaker, Irene McNeil and laid out the connection between her mission and ours. He gave a synopsis of our efforts to promote the township and its history, our outreach programs and our need to publicize ourselves. Our book was a good first effort but we need to do more. The expansion of our efforts into a public access cable channel is the next logical step for LMHS and is in-keeping with our strategic plan. IM is trying to start an all public access channel in Lower Merion and presented the history of our local public access channels. LMT has three channels by contract with Comcast. One is for the township, one for the School District and an unused one for public access. It was in operation for a short periodbut was discontinued. IM would like to spearhead the effort to start the channel up again and needs support, funding and a great deal of content. LMHS could give political support and content. The channel needs to have 501(c)(3) registration.

JF reiterated the need to support IM's mission to bring cable access TV to LMT.

TG reported that LK makes calls and arranges intergenerational programs and educational programs. TG thanked her for her hard work and dedication. The education committee gave six 2 hour bus tours in March. The intergenerational program is continuing. TG takes propsto the programs e.g. telegrams, ink pens, etc. Two Harriton students contacted JF to see if TG would sponsor their senior projects and it was agreed the he would. JF gave Lenape talks to the different schools. It was an active spring with 26 volunteers, 37 lectures given to over 2,000students.

JF is working with BR to save Cynwyd Train Station. There was concern expressed that too many houses are being demolished in the township. Especially in desirable neighbors like Gladwyne where $500,000 houses are being taken down for larger houses. TG initiated two building documentation projects with Max Buten and John Powell. It was asked if we could get a master demolition list from LMT and apparently BD has sent a list to TG. MB has taken photos of the houses before they are demolished. JP is also documenting our structural losses. The Bryn Mawr Hospital demolition site is also being documented for posterity.

RK continues to maintain our website. PE continues to catalogue our vertical files. AB & JF have cataloged the flat files. A 1950's LM history article entitled "Glimpses of Lower Merion" has been added to the website. Merion Friends Meeting has made more long-term loans to us from their library. The First 300 book is being converted from its original format to "HTML" with corrections and will be put on-line. LMSD graduates names are also being added on-line. 65,000 items are now indexed. Website attendance numbers:
2003 - 63,000 visitors
2004 - 98,000 visitors
(5 months) 2005 - 73,500 visitors

DF is ready to send out the second renewal notices. There are approximately 100 non-renewals. The second notice will go out first class so they will be returned for bad addresses. That way we can clean up our membership database list. We are hoping for a good response. Many existing members are renewing but there are many one time members who do not renew.

The board enjoyed the venue at the Tavern for the annual meeting. JF is looking for a new programming chair.

Video is our next logical avenue of expansion. JF has experience and we have large quantities of local talent that we can utilize.

PE asked about the state of the General Wayne renovation project. JF said that they need a second round of fundraising to complete the project. They ran into many difficulties regarding code compliance issues. They will gut the building except for the historic post office.



1. Symbols and Definitions:
Item numbers which have a vertical line to their left indicate those having been acted upon during this meeting. Item numbers in parenthesis ( ) are considered to be completed and will not be carried forward to the next meeting. Discussions within brackets [ ] have been added by the author subsequent to the meeting as clarification. Parties shown "Boxed" items in "By" column indicate items where immediate action is required.

2. Abbreviations used in meeting minutes:
AA Andy Amsterdam
AB Ann Bagley
PB Phil Bagley
MB Max Buten
BC Betty Cannon
BD Bob Duncan
PE Phil Eidelson
DF Denise Francis
JF Jerry Francis
TG Ted Goldsborough
AG Alison Graham
JH Jack Hagner
HH S. Hamill Horne
LK Lynne Kauffman
RK Rod Keller
LMHS Lower Merion Historical Society
LMSDPHTRSHLM Society for the Detection & Prosecution of Horse Thieves & the Recovery of Stolen Horses
LMT Lower Merion Township
JM Jack Maguire
IM Irene McNeil
RM Ross Mitchell
DM Dennis Montagna
JP John Powell
BR Bruce Reed
JR Joan Roberts

Respectfully Submitted
Ross L. Mitchell