Executive Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 5, 2006 at 7:30pm
Lower Merion Academy
Second Floor Meeting Room

Present: Jerry Francis, Denise Francis, Jack Hagner, Phil Eidelson, Betty Cannon, Ross Mitchell, Andy Amsterdam, Ted Goldsborough, Dennis Montagna, Hamill Horne, Charley Paige, and Bobbie McElroy.

Excused Absences: Alison Graham, Joan Roberts, and Bruce Reed.

Jerry Francis called the meeting to order at 7:23pm. Perry Hamilton led the Pledge of Allegiance.

The minutes of the June 6th Board Meeting were approved unanimously.

President's Report: Jerry Francis reported that a memorial service for the late Dick Jones would be held in June 2007, at the Bringhurst Funeral Home at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. His wife, Chris, will set the exact date at a later time.

Jerry introduced Perry Hamilton, Chairman of the Lower Merion & Narberth Public Television (PATV) who thanked the Historical Society for their $1,000 donation. He assured the Board that the money will be put to good use because now is the time to bring forth this medium to the local community. If this effort is not successful now, it may never be able to be accomplished. The Historical Society will be an exceptional treasure of information and artifacts and he encouraged the Society to continue to support PATV. Perry left an invitation for all Board Members to the party on October 21st.

Treasurer's Report: Jack Hagner presented the "Statement of Financial Position" as of September 30, 2006. The report shows that the Society is in a healthy position, despite a change in net assets a $2,002 loss. Jerry noted that the report does not show the sale of books thru Diane Publishing, as the funds have not yet been received. The budgeted goal was to sell 120 books and the hope is that the final total will be ~179 books. The Report was unanimously approved.

Education: To date, the Society's representatives have given 35 lectures or events, to ~1600 people. Ted did his new teacher bus tours. The Lower Merion Board of Commissioners held their August Board meeting here at the Academy in the first floor meeting room. Ted, Jerry and Charley attended an Autocar banquet in Exton. Ted reported that Lynn Kauffman, who organized the intergenerational program, in the Lower Merion schools, has resigned as coordinator. Ted now wants to get a teacher in each school to organize a program for his or her school. It may be difficult to find a teacher with enough time in their schedule to do that job. We all thank Lynn for her help and support and we will miss her.

Library & Website: The good news is that our website is very active. The not-so-good news is that there are so many follow-up emails coming in for further assistance. It is a time consuming job to read and answer all of these inquiries. There are now about 400 to 450 visitors on the website every day.Dick Rouse, a Wynnewood resident, has donated a 29" X 7" picture, it's a 1917 panoramic view of the Manayunk Bridge.

Membership: Denise reported that she is going over the membership database to keep it up to date. Older members, who have passed away, have been removed. There are now 305 members, 28 life members and 235 paid. A mailing has been sent to former members, not paid for 2 years, informing them that they will be dropped from our list, if they do not pay this year. Those who received that letter are 10 from 2002, 16 from 2003 and 34 from 2004. Denise asked for 6 or 7 people to make calls, to that list, to encourage them to pay up and to ask what they would like from the Society.

Program: A list of programs appears in the recent issue of "Milestones." Haunted History: The Ghosts of Lower Merion on October 29th and Centennial Fever on December 3rd. We are partnering with the Lower Merion Conservancy for some programs.

Publications: It has become a problem on how to mail Milestones as tabs are no longer acceptable, they catch in the sorter machines. Jerry will work with the postmaster for a solution.

Next year's 325th Anniversary will require coordination of several organizations in the township and Borough.

Strategic Planning: On September 18th a meeting was held with Jerry, Ross, Charley and Ted to review and discuss our strategic plan. While changes are coming, we are currently in a good place. Declining membership is a problem as well as future leadership. Thoughts about different membership categories, such as Friends of the Historical Society or Sponsors and Supporters, are being considered. Ross suggested that we find new ways to get younger members, possibly having teachers being liaisons. People today are more visually inclined and more sophisticated. All media should be looked into as we decide how to move forward.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:18 PM.