The Lower Merion Historical Society


Executive Board Meeting

September 17, 2009

The Lower Merion Academy


Present: Jerry Francis, Joanne Murray, Jack Hagner, Leon Levine, Alison Graham, Max Buten, Anna OÕHora, Ross Mitchell, Bruce Reed, Steve Selinger, Philip Eidelson, Ted Goldsborough, Bobbie McElroy.


Guest: Ned Stumpo


Excused: Andy Amsterdam, Dennis Montagna, Denise Francis, and Sarah Francis.


Jerry Francis called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Minutes of the June 18, 2009 meeting were corrected for an error; the letter O on the end of Stumpo was missing. Minutes were then unanimously approved.


Jerry announced an Open House on Saturday, September 19th, at 11 am, at the Cynwyd Train Station, for anyone who was interested in the progress.


La Ronda Report: Bruce Reed and Ross Mitchell reported the bad news that La Ronda has not been saved. Despite another offer to buy and move the house, by Benjamin Wohl, of Palm Beech, Florida, the dream has become a three-ring circus. The owner of the property has been identified as Joseph Kastenbaum, of Penn Valley, who continues to move toward the demolition of the 80 year old Addison Mizner house. The previous owner, Art Kania, is claiming salvage rights and allowed 8 people to see the interior of the building. Mr. Kastenbaum began to remove artifacts from the building, that very evening. Why Mr. Kania did not go to court, to prevent the removal of parts of the interior, no one knows. Former Judge Sandra Newman has offered to mediate a settlement between Mr. Wohl and Mr. Katenbaum, but Mr. Katenbaum will not agree to participate. The last grandchildren of the Foerderer family came here to view the property. Unfortunately, the house was only listed on the TownshipÕs Historic Inventory as a Class II, which allows for demolition. It should have been a Class l, but owner did not want it listed that way. It is believed that Art Kania knew from the beginning that Kastenbaum only wanted the lot.


Lower Merion Academy Report: Jerry reported that the School District continues to be a good Steward of the Lower Merion Academy building.


Cynwyd Train Station Stabilization Report: Ned Stumpo reported that the Township inspector has approved the work done on the Cynwyd Train Station, thus far. A grant of $225,000 came from Montgomery County and a matching amount has been supplied the Township Lower Merion Township. The Station will be used as the trailhead of the Cynwyd Heritage Trail. The Society should be very proud of the Station project.


Apartment and Office rental income will be used to maintain the property. Ned Stumpo and his wife Carol are donating the roofing materials. This is a high visibility project, which the Society cannot walk away from. No one would ever trust us again. Jerry has asked the entire Board to come together on Thursday, October 1st, for a discussion, just on the ways to solve the shortfall in the budget, for the station project. SEPTA, who still own the property, has stepped forward with $38,000 for the replacement of the sewer system. A Cynwyd Train Station Stabilization Project Report was presented. The original 3 step project was reviewed, has become blurred and the shortfall of $139,000 was revealed. The Historical Society will investigate the 9 steps discussed in the report, in an effort to not compromise on quality in completing the project. We will use resources to maintain the property. More discussion will be done at the Oct. 1st meeting.

Historic Signage Project: The Township of Lower Merion has received a Preserve America Grant for signage on the Cynwyd Heritage Trail. The Historical Society is working with the Township and John Maki, of Acquire Visual, on the selection of images and writing of the accompanying text for the 32 signs in the high priority category. There are also 10 medium-low priority locations for future consideration. A link to the Township website will be developed as the project progresses.


TreasurerÕs Report: Jack Hagner presented the report as of August 31, 2009, showing the Society to be in good shape. The total assets equal $304,520, including $93,314 in temporarily restricted assets and $211,204 in unrestricted assets. It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved. Jack also presented the Historical Society Budget for 2009. That was also moved, seconded and unanimously approved. Many thanks to Jack for his excellent report and clean books.


Education Report: Ted discussed The Friends of the Autocar luncheon, which took place September 12th at the West Chester Fire House. Frank Weer, L. M. Õ52, took some ads for Autocar, given to him by a woman in Maine. An intern for the Community TV Channel 99, will do a history of Narberth.


Library Report: Jerry stated that there was no report on the Library.


Website Report: Max Buten presented a report, noting that our site was state-of-the-art, when started back in 2000. Over the years it was upgraded with the addition of thousand of records. Today it is world class in information, but Max feels that the information is difficult to find. A committee, to investigate how to upgrade the site was formed comprising Jerry, Ted and Max.

They have contacted 4 vendors, met with them and followed up on how to modernize the look of the site and make it easier for our patrons to use. There are a number of plans, which will be considered for future enhancement of the website. Some members are reluctant to spend too much money on the site. It was decided to table the project, but continue discussions with the 4 vendors, until the completion of the Cynwyd Train Station commitment.


Membership Report: Denise Francis submitted a report that listed that we currently have 128 paid members, 58 not paid members, 26 life members and 78 complimentary members.


Program Report: Joanne Murray will work on developing a spring series of programs and events.


Public Relations/Publications Report: Milestones is being printed and will be mailed.

The Historical Wall Murals, at the Township Building, have won another 3CMA Savvy award.


Old Business: The upgrade to the HVAC in the Archive Room has been approved, but has not yet been completed.


The repair of the fireplace in the attic will be done this fall.


There are over 2,000 negatives in the W. Robert Swartz Collection. We need a volunteer to organize, clean, scan and catalog them.


Ted Goldsborough is still looking for a location to re-install the Autocar Historical Marker.


New Business: Milestone #5 needs repair and re-installation on Lancaster Ave. near St. Charles Seminary. Dennis Montagne will work on it.


A donation to the Capital Campaign of the Merion Meeting House was declined for now. The issue can be re-visited at a later date.



The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.


The next Executive Board Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 21, 2010



Respectfully Submitted,

Bobbie McElroy, RecordingSecretary