The Lower Merion Historical Society

Annual Meeting and Open House

Lower Merion Academy

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Call to Order: Jerry Francis called the meeting to order at 1:00pm, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Election of Officers:

As advertised in the March and April 2011 issues of “Milestones,” the Nominating Committee submitted the following slate of names for the two-year term of Officer. Elections were held and the following were elected as Officers:


President: Gerald A. Francis

Vice President: Bruce D. Reed

Treasurer: Samuel Adenbaum

Corresponding Secretary: Stephen P. Selinger

Recording Secretary: Barbara McElroy


Election of Directors:

As advertised in the March and April 2011 issues of “Milestones,” the Nominating Committee submitted the following slate of names for the three-year term of Director of the Class of 2014. Elections were held and the following were elected as Director:


Ken Brier

Sarah E. Francis

Ross L. Mitchell


A Report from the President was given by Jerry Francis who discussed strategic planning and the four cultural changes that the Society is experiencing. They are: 1) ongoing asset management, 2) taking advantage of a local opportunity, 3) adapting to newer technology, and 4) more of a joint venture approach to marketing.


The business part of the meeting adjourned at 2:10pm and was followed by Susan S. Koelble, a certified genealogist, who gave a lecture entitled Leaving Your Legacy.


This was followed by Open House of the Lower Merion Academy and the Cynwyd Train Station.


Respectfully Submitted by Jerry Francis.